Simcoe Region Local League

Upcoming Games
Thornton Tigers 1
8:00 PM
@ Thornton Tigers 2SR24-U18-158
TNT Tornados
8:45 PM
@ Georgina BlazeSR24-U21-042
Ice Palace (Blue)
Osprey Hawks
9:30 PM
@ Clearview CanucksSR24-U21-003
Wasaga Beach Stars
9:30 PM
@ Collingwood BluesSR24-U21-026
Eddie Bush
Lefroy Ice Breakers 2
8:30 PM
@ East Gwillimbury Eagles 2SR24-U18-050
EGSC (West)
Lefroy Ice Breakers 3
9:00 AM
@ Thornton Tigers 1SR24-U7-140

New SRLL email address:

[email protected]

Dates to Note
2024 - 2025 season
(Dates are subject to change)

U13 - 21 Divisions
(U7/9) Calendars too follow)

Friday, February 7 -- Last day of regular season Play
Final audit date for team performance -- fines to be levied for unbalanced centers
Monday, February 10, 2025 -- first day of end of season tournaments (seperate schedule)

March Break 2025
Friday, March 7 through to Sunday, March 16, Inclusive.
No league games to be scheduled during this period.
Teams are free to practice or participate in tournaments during this period.

Monday March 31 -- Season Finale

Delegate Meetings
(Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are on Wednesday Evening)
February 5 (Zoom conference)
March 6
April 23 -- AGM



Playoff Games may be changed or rescheduled at any time if necessary.
Playoff start dates will be flexible and all end dates are firm.
*Please continue to check this web page regularly for changes and current updates*  




All organizations are using electronic game sheets.
For access to electronic game sheets please visit the link for team officials:
All SRLL Home Games Sheets are now electronic and it is The Home Teams Responsibility to ensure game score is 

uploaded and correct.  Email your convenor should you have any concerns.
Any paper 
game sheets used is the responsibility of the Home Team to be scanned and emailed after every game to: [email protected].



For the Under 16 (U16),  Under 18 and Under 21 (U18, U21) Divisions, a all games must comprise three (3) stop time periods scheduled as per SRLL Regulation 3.3a). However, when any team is ahead by five (5) or more goals in the third period the game will proceed utilizing ‘running time’. In this situation the game will proceed under ‘running time’ unless the gap is reduced to three (3) goals, at which point the clock will revert back to stop time. The only time the clock would be stopped during running time is if an on-ice injury should occur. All penalties are running time.


Simcoe Region Local League follows the Hockey Canada Rules governing time outs. During regular season and playoff games each team will be allowed ONE 30 second time out. 


Final regular season standings only determine placement for the playoffs.  As Teams advance, regular season standings only determines Home Ice advantage.

The SRLL playoff tie breaker formula (Round Robins) is pre-programmed into the playoff standings.

These results are tracked in the Post Season GF% column found in the POST SEASON Division Standings/Series expanded results. Your initial view of the standings is NOT of the expanded standings.

You need to go to the POST SEASON Division Results page, select the Playoff you wish to view, and click the Playoff Letter on the flow chart. The expanded standings for that playoff will then appear. Now you can view the expanded results.

For the Under 16 (U16) (formerly Minor Midget)  Under 18 (U18) (formerly Midget) Divisions and the U21 Division, all games must comprise three (3) stop time periods scheduled as per SRLL Regulation 3.3a). However, when any team is ahead by five (5) or more goals in the third period the game will proceed utilizing ‘running time’. In this situation the game will proceed under ‘running time’ unless the gap is reduced to three (3) goals, at which point the clock will revert back to stop time. The only time the clock would be stopped during running time is if an on-ice injury should occur. All penalties are running time.


It will be the Policy of the Ontario Hockey Federation that, when any player under the age of 19 is in the team dressing room(s) before, during and after a game or practice, a minimum of two of the following shall be present in the dressing room(s) or immediately outside the dressing room(s) with the door ajar: two team or club/association officials, properly screened or one such official and an adult person associated with the team. In the situation of Juvenile or U21 hockey the coach may use an adult player over the age of 19 to be the second adult associated with the team.

The Ontario Recreation Facilities Association (O.R.F.A.) has issued a Facility Alert recommending that signage be posted that "Prohibits the use of cell phones, and personal digital assistants in all recreation facility change rooms". The OMHA acknowledges the recommendation of O.R.F.A. and directs all members to govern themselves accordingly.


Please note: this next section only applies to Associations having multiple teams playing within the same division.

The Simcoe Region Local League has balancing rules in place requiring Associations (with multiple teams playing within the same division) to not exceed a predetermined percentage spread specified in the constitutions policy set to keep one stacked team, from an Association with a number of teams in the same division, from running away with the division. This will require Associations to trade players among their own teams within that division prior to the November AND December deadlines each season if the winning percentage spread between the top and bottom team from that same Association is too wide, or "out of balance".

All teams are to be balanced by certain deadlines, but once the teams are within the percentage spread requirement on the deadline, there is no requirement to maintain this spread after the deadline. Good coaching can improve team performance and is not penalized. The intent of the policy is simply to prevent any Association with multiple teams within the same division from entering a stacked team.

  Any Association with teams that fail to balance and are still out of balance by the end of the regular season,  will have been fined two times for missing two deadlines

If at seasons end, the winning percentage spread between the "unbalanced" top and bottom same Association teams exceeds the allowable spread set by the policy, the Association is fined and faces the possibility of having one or more of those teams in the division denied entry (disqualified) into the playoffs.

This long standing League requirement was developed, voted on and inserted into the SRLL Constitution by the Association Presidents who created this League (including its predecessor) 30+ years ago
